Video on Demand

Video on demand (VOD)

The Definition of watching TV is being changed by times, everything is in control of consumer's now a days. According to Nielsen Survey Video on demand is becoming a part of daily viewing habits for many. Among those who watch any type of VOD programming, 43% say they watch at least once a day. Few years before "watching TV" meant sitting in front of the screen in your living room, waiting for your favorite program to come on at a set time. Today, the increase in of video-on-demand (VOD) programming options where viewers or consumers can download or stream content either from a traditional TV package or an online source which is creating extensive opportunities for consumers who have greater control than ever before on what, when and how they watch. And the number of self-reported VOD viewers is significant.


VOD Features

Smooth Buffering

Using our adaptive streaming technology which is a proven technique that enables you to deliver an optimal, smooth viewing experience and uninterrupted viewing.

Video Management

You can Manage, Edit, Delete and View your Videos very easily in one interface which reduces your time and increases efficiency.

Pay Per View

You can restrict your premium content with our interface system easily where only precise customers can view that by Paying. and Pay as per your View.

Genre Creation

Through our Online portal its easy to create genre which reflects to app at an Eye Blink.


Create Playlist for your content. Decide your content when to be played.


Oogram's Graphical interface allows you to easily upload and edit videos even on the go.